Trade Aluminium Windows

Quality Trade Aluminium Windows in Milton Keynes

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Trade Aluminium Windows

Our trade aluminium windows represent the very latest in double glazing window design. WIS Trade Windows Ltd has been supplying trade customers with high calibre aluminium windows throughout Milton Keynes, Leighton Buzzard, Dunstable, Luton and across Buckinghamshire and Bedfordshire.

Our trade customers benefit from premium quality bespoke aluminium windows that are designed and manufactured in the UK. You can be sure of the perfect fit for your customers as all of our supply only aluminium windows are made to order. We provide quality that you can rely on and offer an impressive guarantee.

It’s not only the quality of our trade aluminium windows that is reliable, but you can also rely on our exceptional lead times. With efficiency and accuracy, we provide a fast turnaround allowing you to feel confident that you and your customer will not have to wait long for our speedy delivery times.

The supply only aluminium windows that we provide are durable, versatile, elegant and robust. Your customers will benefit from an advanced system that offers performance and security, without having to sacrifice style. They are also available in a variety of colours to suit any home.

Supply Only Aluminium Windows Milton Keynes

Suitable For All Projects

Our trade aluminium windows are suitable for all types of projects, from home properties to retail buildings. Our complete range of double glazed windows complies with all relevant British and European standards.

Complying with Document L for thermal efficiency as well as British Standards requirements for weather performance. You can rest assured that our supply only aluminium windows will exceed performance standards for most modern building projects.

Durable Aluminium Windows

The entire range of double glazed aluminium windows supplied to our trade customers are a long term solution for your project. They can be relied upon never to warp, rot or fade and are built to stand the test of time and are virtually maintenance free.

Aluminium offers so many benefits that it has become the material of choice for double glazed windows in Milton Keynes and the surrounding area. Weighing 67% less than steel, they are strong and robustness and yet lightweight.

Trade Aluminium Windows Milton Keynes

A Choice of Finishes

These beautiful windows are available in an extensive range of colours, to satisfy all of your customers’ needs. From traditional styles to minimalist aluminium windows, there is a wide array of eye-catching profiles to choose from.

Available in over 150 high quality RAL colours, they are finished with a scratch resistant powder coating that is highly durable, resilient to all weather conditions and yet is smooth to the touch. From bold and bright to soft and pastel, we have a broad palette on offer.

We provide a wide range of finishes which include either gloss, satin or matt finishes. Here at Window Installations Services Trade, our aluminium windows are designed to complement any style of property. View our colour sheet below to see the full range.
View Colour Sheet

High Security

Aluminium is naturally extremely strong so when it is incorporated into a window, it offers exceptional security. This is why aluminium windows are used in a variety of retail properties. Aluminium window frames are almost impossible to break.

The complete range of supply only aluminium windows can be fitted with our cockspur or shootbolt locking systems to offer you and your customers a high degree of security. Extra features such as hinge guards, crimped frames and locking handles that can also be added.

Our trade aluminium windows stand up to the standards set by Secured by Design; a police backed scheme promoting the prevention of burglaries. Our profiles are rigorously tested to exceed British standards for security.

Thermal Efficiency

Our aluminium windows use cutting edge technology and advanced design techniques to offer incredible thermal performance. No matter what the weather is like, these high performance double glazed windows do a fantastic job of retaining heat inside any building.

Smart Aluminium Windows Milton Keynes

Our Trade Aluminium Windows

We have been supplying quality aluminium windows for a number of years and offer exceptional services for trade.

  • All our aluminium windows are compliant with building regulations for thermal transmittance
  • Meet and exceed weather and sound performance according to British Standards. (BS6375 Pt1.)
  • Internal and external beading available
  • Available with fixed light and trickle ventilator
  • Available with side light openings
  • High security glass as standard
  • Choose from either cockspur or shootbolt locking systems
  • Designed for easy installation
  • Dual colour options available
  • Over 150 RAL colour options
  • Guaranteed against warping or fading

Fast Lead Times

Our made to order trade aluminium windows are supplied with precision and efficiency. Our prompt turnaround times give you the confidence to rely on WIS Trade to deliver on time.

Manufactured to your exact requirements you can be sure of a perfect fit that is easy to install. We take the stress out of your project with our accurate and reliable service.

Competitively Priced Trade Aluminium Windows

Get in touch with one of our expert team to get a free, no obligation quote for supply only aluminium windows in Milton Keynes. As experts in aluminium windows, we will be happy to discuss your project and provide you with a tailored quote.

Alternatively, you can use our contact form to ask any questions, and one of our friendly team will respond as soon as possible.

Supply Only Double Glazing Prices

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Provide your customers with top of the range aluminium windows. For more information regarding our supply only aluminium windows, get in touch with us today on: 01908 921199.